File & Edit Menus

File Menu

Save As

Used to rename an existing database and thereby creating a duplicate of it, one with the old name, and one with the new name.

New Database

Creates a brand new empty database, with the default name of "GDAT_created_on_yyyy-mm-dd" (where yyyy-mm-dd is the date you create the database). 
If you wish to convert a GMP database, you will need to create a new database.

Open Database

Used to swap between different active databases. Navigate to the directory where the database is saved, select the desired file and click open.

Backup Database

Backs up the open database to the location of your choosing. Appends the database name with "_Backup_yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss" (where yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss is the current date and time)

Restore Database

Be Careful. This will prompt for a backup file and overwrite the currently open file with the backup file contents. Useful when an import has gone to the wrong location. Relies on the user having done frequent backups though to minimise loss of data.

Export a Decrypted Database

Exports a Decrypted Database for experience SQL users.

You may export a decrypted database but it cannot be read by GDAT. The code enforces rules that may be in conflict with changes a user makes. 

Note:  The contents and use of the exported decrypted database will not be supported by anyone associated with the GDAT development or User Guide or Facebook group. It also cannot be modified or read by GDAT. It is strictly a standalone copy of the user's data.


Exits the program.

Edit Menu

Edit Menu

The "Replace All" feature should be used with caution. Back Up First. At the end of the "Replace all" process, a list of impacted relatives will be displayed.
Be sure to select the item to change. It is possible to replace something with nothing, eg to remove all asterisks * from names.

On a Mac, the Import Templates menu item is found under the Edit menu.