Groups Associated with MRCAs
The menu item of "Groups Associated with MRCAs" leads us to the view of "MRCAs Associated Groups".
This view lists all of the Relatives having an Ahnentafel group associated with the family group names on Relatives whose status is marked MRCA.
This can be used to identify relatives who have not completely built out their trees.
Using this may help identify additional DNA segments on the chromosome browser or perhaps connections not previously identified.
Clicking on the plus sign next to a group name, will result in the display of subgroups. There may be a single group name, or there may be more than one.
Clicking on the plus signs next to these sub groups will result in a list on relatives who contain that group name within their Ahnentafel.
Relatives may appear in more than one group if they have more than one group name within their Ahnentafel.
There must be two relatives with the same sub-group name for it to appear.
Relatives who are also Profiles will not appear in this display.
In the example above, the groups "Nomen-M", and "Nomen-Sancire" are not part of the current profile's ancestral group names, but at least one known match with the "Sancire-Plautus" group name has these group names between them and the identified group name, and thus, these associated group names are included here.
Opening these will show two ore more people associated with each of these groups showing others who many need to be investigated further for connectivity.
Right clicking on any of the group names will provide an option to display the Relatives on the Compare Group Relatives page.