Database Routines
All Database routines need a double click to initiate them.
All routines can be aborted or stopped by holding down the Escape key.
Most routines will display progress at the bottom of the screen.
The Database Routines section should only be used in a "last resort" situation where all other attempts to correct a situation have not been helpful.
The routines in this section affect the entire database, and changes are permanent, so be sure you backup before you do anything in case you change your mind.
Some of the DNA Segments actions may use associated attributes in the Imports area. Think ahead of what you want accomplished.
Note: When deleting chromosome data for all sources and profiles, all triangulation data will be deleted as well.
DNA Segment Routines
Delete Chromosome data below Import Minimums
Deletes chromosome data below the Import Minimums set on the right hand side of the screen for cMs, SNP, and Base Pair values.
Backup First. Applies to the entire database. No preview given.
Be Patient. This can take a very long time, as it is dependant on the amount of data to be deleted.
When complete, the message will indicate how many segments were deleted.
Delete Chromosome data less than minimum cMs
Deletes chromosome data below the cM value set at the right hand side of the screen.
Backup First. Applies to the entire database. No Preview Given.
Be Patient. This can take a very long time, as it is dependant on the amount of data to be deleted.
When complete, the message will indicate how many segments were deleted.
Delete Chromosome data less than minimum SNPs
Deletes chromosome data below the SNP value set at the right hand side of the screen.
Backup First. Applies to the entire database. No preview given.
Be Patient. This can take a very long time, as it is dependant on the amount of data to be deleted.
When complete, the message will indicate how many segments were deleted.
Delete Chromosome Data less than minimum base pair length
Deletes chromosome data below the base pair length set at the right hand side of the screen.
Backup First. Applies to the entire database. No preview given.
Be Patient. This can take a very long time, as it is dependant on the amount of data to be deleted.
When complete, the message will indicate how many segments were deleted.
Delete or Hide Chromosome Data in False Positive Regions
Deletes or hides the chromosome data for the Source and Profile you have set. False positives are shown as a yellow question make in the side column on the Chromosome page.
Note: Only works if the False Positive Regions have been set for a Profile in the Tables area.
Once the initial question has been asked, a second message appears. Select Yes to Hide segments, or No to delete segments.
When complete a message will indicate how many segments were hidden or deleted as appropriate.
Remove all ICW data
Removes all previously loaded ICW data from the entire database.
Backup First. Applies to the entire database. No preview given.
Be Patient. This can take a very long time, as it is dependant on the amount of data to be deleted.
This may be helpful if you feel your ICW data has become corrupted but are confident in the rest of your data.
Remove all Triangulation and ICW data
Removes all previously loaded Triangulation and ICW data from the entire database.
Backup First. Applies to the entire database. No preview given.
Be Patient. This can take a very long time, as it is dependant on the amount of data to be deleted.
This may be helpful if you feel your triangulation, and ICW data has become corrupted but are confident in your relative lists and chromosome data.
Remove all DNA Segment, Triangulation and ICW data
Removes ALL DNA segments, all Triangulation & all ICW data from the entire database, leaving you with just the relative records.
Backup First. Applies to the entire database. No preview given.
This may be helpful if you feel your segment, triangulation, and ICW data has become corrupted but are confident in your relative lists.
Remove ICWs not Associated with a Segment
Removes all ICW data where the relative does not overlap a Profile segment. Skips any sources where "Segment Data" has been set to "False" (See Source Settings for more information)
Backup first. Applies to entire database. No Preview given.
Relative Data Routines
Delete Relatives without Chromosome Data
Deletes relatives who have no segment data associated with their record.
Skips any sources where "Segment Data" has been set to "False" (See Source Settings for more information)
Backup first. Applies to entire database. No Preview given. Progress displayed at bottom of window.
Delete all Relative and Chromosome data
Deletes all relatives and DNA segments.
Gives “Relative and DNA Segments data deleted” message when finished.
Delete Relatives NOT Associated with a Profile
Deletes relatives who are not associated with a profile.
It is recommended to run this routine if you have deleted a profile to help clean up your database.
When complete, the message given will indicate how many relatives were deleted.
Note: This routine can take an extended amount of time if you have a lot of relatives to delete. Be patient.
Recalculate the Total cMs and Segments by Profile
Recalculates the total cM and segment count for each relative in the database by profile.
Does not apply to sources without segment data.
Note: This routine can take an extended amount of time if you have a lot of relatives to process. Be patient.
Reset All Relative Keys as Primary
Resets all Relative Keys to a Primary setting, enabling all merged relatives to have data entered for all sources on import, even if the original merge was between two different people (such as parent and child merges).
Note: This routine can take an extended amount of time if you have a lot of relatives to process. Be patient.
This routine may also assist fixing source keys for those who have converted a database from GMP.
Add New FTDNA Unique Keys
Due to changes at FTDNA on July 1 2021, the unique identifier match key, provided by DNAGedcom client, changed. This routine assists in linking existing FTDNA match records with their new match key based on the name directly associated with their match key by loading the Family Finder (FF) file through this routine.
Backup first.
Note: Because this routine is based on the match name, it may still be possible to end up with duplicate entries where a match has changed their name at FTDNA.
Ahnentafel Routines
Assign Group Names to All Ahnentafels
Assigns group names to all loaded Ahnentafels.
Note: This routine can take an extended amount of time if you have a lot of data to process. Be patient.
A message is displayed at the conclusion of the routine to indicate completion.
Assign Group Names to Unlocked Ahnentafels
Assigns group names to unlocked Ahnentafels.
Note: This routine can take an extended amount of time if you have a lot of data to process. Be patient.
Cleanup Ahnentafel Location Names
Attempts to standardise location names to a standard format based on USA location logic.
Does not add any commas, correct any spellings, and does not assume a country location if only part of a location is present.
Back up first. Use with Caution. Applies to whole database. No Preview Given.
Can be run on an Ahnentafel by Ahnentafel basis from right click menu of the Ahnentafel (F2) view of a match.
Remove Ahnentafels without Parents
Removes all Ahnentafels where only the match is present.
Note: This routine can take an extended amount of time if you have a lot of data to process. Be patient.
Displays a message when complete indicating how many Ahnentafels were removed.
Lock All Currently Loaded Ahnentafels
Locks all currently loaded Ahnentafels preventing them from being overwritten by future imports.
An Ahnentafel that contains just one person will be locked with this process, but any relative without an Ahnentafel is ignored in this process.
Note: This routine can take an extended amount of time if you have a lot of data to process. Be patient.
A completed message is displayed at the end of the process.
Unlock All Currently Loaded Ahnentafels
Unlocks all currently loaded Ahnentafels, allowing them to be overwritten in future imports.
Note: This routine can take an extended amount of time if you have a lot of data to process. Be patient.
Message is given at the end to indicate it is finished.
Miscellaneous Routines
Force a Database Defrag
Tidy's up the database data behind the scenes to maintain integrity where possible.
This also occurs by default after some database routines.
Display GDAT Database Stats
Displays the count of Relatives, DNA Segments, Triangulations, and ICWs currently loaded into the current database.
Note: Can not be directly compared with GMP database statistics due to the differences in the database structures.