Manage Surnames
This area can be accessed in two ways; via the Utilities menu, and by the right click (Control-Click on Mac) menu on the Ancestor view.
Some surnames have had alternate spellings over time. This tool can be used to add alternate spellings and assign a Standard Surname to that list if desired.
The surnames listed are those for the entire database, not just the current profile.
From Becky: the purpose is to set one standard surname for all variations of a surname that will be used to set up group names for the analysis functions. If the first letter is the same, it assumes that it is a variation.
Surnames are assumed to be from the father's line and can contain no spaces. Hyphens are okay. If for some reason, the child does not carry the father's surname, it is okay to list the child in GDAT with the father's surname so that group names are assigned correctly.
Remember that the purpose is to research the profile's family tree, not be precisely correct in how something is spelled for one person or another. Choose the name that fits the research.
At the bottom of the screen is a "Scroll to...". Enter one or more characters and press enter, and the screen will scroll to the first surname containing that string. If the string entered is not present, the screen will not scroll.
A right click (Control-Click on Mac) menu is available on the surname listing with copy, delete and export options.
Use the "Add Surname" option to add Standard Surnames to the list. Surnames are added automatically on import of a GEDCOM or other profile ancestor list population.
To add or delete an alternate spelling or surname associated with an existing entry, first select the Standard Surname in the left hand column.
You will see any existing alternates listed in the right hand section. Right clicking (Control-Click on Mac) on an existing alternate will give the option to delete the entry.
At the bottom of the right hand section is the field to type and enter new alternate surnames for the selected Standard surname if desired.
Some may find this helpful, while others may prefer not to do this. One example to not enter alternates, is if known alternate spellings of a surname comprise distinct family branches. It may be preferable to keep the Clark and Clarke surname separate. This is a personal preference.
User Tip: if you have two Spanish surnames, then remove the space between them. Then GDAT will group them in a paternal manner. Eg. I group mine together as TexidorA, TexidorB, TexidorC, TexidorD and that matches the paternal line. The mother keeps her surname say CatasusA, but her father is CatasusB and his father CatasusC ... so her paternal line is grouped together. It was easier to remove the spaces in the surnames and check for children with different surnames to fathers in original program before importing.