Parental Confirmation
A right click (Control-Click on Mac) on any name on the Ancestors tab allows us access to the Parental Confirmation screen. This allows us to compare a chosen group name from our own Ancestors list, with triangulated DNA Segments that have also been assigned the same MRCA Group Name and have the MRCA status.
Note: Names present on the right hand side can be double clicked and you will be taken to that match’s Relative Detail tab. Click on the Ancestors tab to return to the Pedigree Confirmation view.
Note: Make sure you click Save Narrative before leaving as there is no auto-save. Delete Narrative does as it says - it deletes everything you have entered from the current view, and will reset the pre-filled headers to the default display.
Note: only Maternal and Paternal side relatives will show in this area. Group names that belong to Both side relatives can have this area populated, but will not have relatives or segments auto-populated.
Use the navigation arrows in the top right to return to the previous screen.
Note: "Groups" are assigned to and based on DNA segments, and also appear in Ahnentafel and Ancestor listings. "Family Groups" can be either program created or created by you and can be used to group relatives together for any reason of your choosing. The two can use the same names, or not, and operate independently of each other. See Groups vs Family Groups for more information on the differences.
There are a number of things that must be in place for relatives to show up in this view.
Your match's status must be set to MRCA (1). Setting the status is not the same as assigning the MRCA ancestor (2), although this must also be complete.
The Group Name assigned to them in their DNA Comparison (3) must be the same as the Group name in their Ahnentafel (3).
If the match does not have an Ahnentafel loaded, they will still appear, but you will not get the path between them and the assigned MRCA.
It is also recommended that you have entered relevant information into the MRCA Note field, but this is optional.
If there are triangulated segments of DNA that have the MRCA ancestors defined, and the match is marked as MRCA found status, then you will have a list of names along with their MRCA Note listed in the top right corner.
The Family Group Relatives button allows for similar options to appear for relatives who have the Family Group Name assigned, and may include relatives who have no DNA segments.
Clicking on a relative’s name will produce a list of everyone on the selected segment that overlap the selected relative, who also have a MRCA status with a group name on the inheritance path for the ancestor group. This list will appear in the bottom right.
All columns in this area are able to be sorted by clicking on their respective headings.
Right Clicking (Control-Click on Mac) on the upper lisitng, allows for Add Relative List to the Report on the left hand side.
This list includes just the name of the match and any MRCA note entered.
In the lower right hand section, the Right click menu has more options.
To see the relationship paths for each relative to the defined MRCA, select one or more relatives, right click (Control-Click on Mac), and select the “Add Selected Relatives to Report” option. This will automatically enter into the left hand side a list of relationship paths for the current profile person, and each of the selected Relatives, where that path is known.
If you know you’ve loaded an Anhentafel for a match, and their path does not show up here, check that you have set their group names correctly. There may be a difference in spelling, or the group names may not have been set, especially if there was a secondary import of ancestors.
In the example to the right, M Geddes needs to be reviewed to determine the cause of the missing path.
To add the segments used in the triangulations to the left hand side, select a name from the top right hand side, and select one or more of the segments from the bottom right hand side, then right click and select “Add Selected DNA Segments to the Report”.
The results inserted into the left hand side will appear similar to shown. You may wish to repeat this for each name present in the top right section, or to only do this for one or two segments, or to not do it at all.
Note: DNA Segment column formatting may not always line-up perfectly. You can edit this and any other portion of this area and include what ever notes you choose to add. Red underlines may assist with correct spelling of words.
The Add Comments Section to Report option adds a pre-formatted Comments title.
Right Click on the left hand side text area to Add Signature of current date and time.
Be sure to click “Save Narrative” at the bottom right of the screen, before moving to a new view. Also located here are buttons to assist for formatting the information, or Delete the Narrative completely.