Chromosome Browser
Colour Coding
Names on the Chromosome tab have been color coded according to the source of the data. These colours can be changed, see Source Settings for more information.
The background colours also have meaning.
Grey & White : the default colours used to assist in aligning the name with the data.
Dusty Orange : the currently selected match.
Yellow : New matches. The length of time is determined in Options > App Settings
Dark Pink : the match currently loaded into the Relative Detail tabs (F1-F4)
Purple : matches who have had Side, MRCA, and a group name assigned. These matches are also in bold text.
Top Section
Across the top of the display, underneath the tab menu there are a number of items to help you filter your matches.
From left to right we have:
A drop down menu that allows you to select which single chromosome at a time is displayed
a range of tick boxes which each help determine what is or isn’t displayed.
“Maternal” and “Paternal” : shows or hides matches who have been marked with M or P in the side column.
“Unknown” : shows or hides matches who have the default ? in the side column.
“Hidden” : shows or hides matches that have been marked as Hidden for one reason or another.
"MRCA" : when ticked excludes all relatives who are Not marked with the MRCA statusMinimum cMs drop down : allows for the Chromosome view to be filtered to show segments above 10cM, 15cM, 20cM, 25cM or 30cM.
Select Sources : a drop down menu that allows the user to select any of their loaded sources.
Map Generation : a drop down menu that works in conjunction with the Mini Chromosome Map bars shown at the top of the screen and shows up to 15 generations. See the Mini Chromosome Map section further down the page for more information.
The main body of the Chromosome tab contains the main match data. Double clicking almost anywhere in the row containing the relative will take you to the Relative Detail section for that match.
Profile : the nickname that you entered in the profile section.
Relative : the name of the DNA match.
Side : the familial side the match is associated with.
There are five possible options available. M for Maternal, P for Paternal, B for Both sides, I for Identical by State, and ? for Unknown. This can be edited here or from within either Relative - Notes or Relative - DNA Comparison . The letters for Paternal (P) will be displayed in blue, while Maternal (M) will be displayed in red.
If you have activated False Positive regions, the sides will be displayed in a yellow toned text if the segment falls within a False Positive Region.Group : your designation that has been associated with the DNA Segment. This can be edited here or in the Relative - DNA Comparison area.
Chr : the chromosome for this segment. This comes in handy when a search has been performed.
Start : the start number of the base pair
End : the end number of the base pair
cMs : the length of the segment in centimorgans
Status : showing the current status of the match
Graphic : is a visual of the start and end positions of the base pairs. This can be toggled with the MRCA Note by use of the right click menu (see further down)
Clicking on most of the header titles (e.g. Start, cMs, Status, etc.) will sort the data.
The underlining of Relative Names displayed, indicates an Ahnentafel is present in that relative’s record.
Right Click Menu
Right clicking (Control-Click on Mac) anywhere in a row will provide a set of additional commands.
Edit Relative : takes you to the match’s Relative Detail area. Performs the same action as double clicking on the relative.
Create Partition : allows the user to create a partition in the Chromosome Analysis view.
Note: The segment selected for partition creation must be marked as either M or P, and the only segments of that Side or designated as ? can be visible. Multiple segments can be selected, with the earliest start point and latest end points being used to create the segment, including all the intervening space as well.
Display sub-menu
Toggle Notes Display : will either display the graphic bars or MRCA Notes. If there are no MRCA Notes, the current Status for the relative will be displayed.
Show Triangulations : shows matches that have been triangulated with the selected segment. The “Esc” key returns to the full display.
Show ICW DNA segments : shows matches that are “In Common With” the selected. An ICW may not show up in the list if it is already in the triangulation list. The “Esc” key returns to the full display.
Show Not ICW DNA segments : shows relatives that are not ICW with the selected segment, but still have overlapping segments. The “Esc” key returns to the full display.
Show Overlapping DNA segments : shows all the relatives that have overlapping segments with the selected person. The “Esc” key returns to the full display.
Show Segments with Relatives Unique to this Profile : shows only matches unique to the selected profile
Analysis sub-menu
Compare Ahnentafel Groups : Opens the Group Name comparison view.
Compare Ahnentafel Surnames : Opens the Surnames comparison view.
Compare Profile Groups : Opens the Group Name comparison view, but concentrating on just the profile person's group names.
See Compare Ahnentafel Details for more information on these features.
Mark Side/Group sub-menu
Mark Displayed DNA Segments : mark all currently displayed relatives with the same “Side” and “Group” as the selected relative. Be careful that this is really what you want to do.
Mark Selected DNA Segments : takes the side and group from the selected and right clicked segment and applies them to all other selected segments.
Mark Other Profiles for Selected Segments : takes the current marked side and group name for the selected matches, and assigns these to other profiles who also have this same segment. Will adjust the side designation if needed for related profiles.
Merge sub-menu
Merge Selected Relatives : enables multiple relatives to be selected from this screen for merging within the Merge view
Export sub-menu
Copy Displayed Segments to Clipboard : copies the displayed segments to the computer clipboard for pasting to a desired location.
Note: this copy can be more than what is being displayed.Export Displayed Data to .CSV File : creates a CSV file of what is being displayed.
Hide/Delete sub-menu
Hide DNA Segment : hides the relative segment that has been selected.
Unhide Selected DNA Segments : unhides the relative segment that has been selected.
Delete Selected DNA Segments : deletes the segments that have been selected. Does not delete the relative. Use with caution!!!
Mini Chromosome Map
At the top of the Chromosome view is a duplication of the Segment Map (if it has been populated) specific to the chromosome that has been selected. The same colors that are used on the Segment Map are also shown here. The graphic associated with the Base Pairs will also be the corresponding colour.
This mini chromosome map can be used to filter overlapping matches if desired. Clicking on a segment in the mini chromosome map performs the same action as right clicking on a match name or segment in the main view and selecting "Show Overlapping DNA Segments". Right Click in the top mini map on a segment to change the color of the corresponding group.
On the right hand side of the view is the “Map Generations” drop down menu. Changing the value here allows you to see different generation levels of DNA source.
The generation level is determined by the MRCA person assigned to a segment; older generations cover newer generations, so it is possible to not see the mapped segment for someone closely related to you if older segments are completely covering it while viewing all of the possible layers. The "Map Generation" level shows all generations at once. When viewing a numbered layer, only the segments known to belong to that generation are shown. The filtering done here only affects the Mini Chromosome Map and does not impact the match display.
Some examples - All images here are for the same chromosome for the same profile, take note of how the view changes depending on the Map Generation being shown.