Add New Relative and
Add New ICW's to a Relative
There are two ways to Add a new relative outside of the standard Import options. This is an Advanced feature and care should be taken when using this feature.
The Relative Menu contains an "Add Relative" option and can be accessed from any place in the program.
Additionally, the Add button, which looks like a person's head with a plus sign, is located on the Relatives F1-F5 pages. The Add button will pre-load the currently loaded match's information and is ideal for adding more ICW information rather than adding a new relative.
These features have been included to allow a user to manually enter new relatives and/or new ICW information.
It is recommended that you Back Up First before adding any new information, and please, take care when entering data.
Add a brand new relative via the menu bar option
1. Ensure you are on the Profile that the new match should be associated with.
2. Use the Relatives Menu and select Add Relative
3. Enter the match's name, their relative match key, and select the source. Click Save.
4. Use "Attach Relative to Profile" if you wish to add this same new relative to any other profile/s. You can do this now or after step 7 if you prefer.
Adding Segment data to an existing match
5. To enter segment lengths including start end end points, right click (Ctrl Click on Mac) on the name in the left hand column and select "Add or Edit Segments"
Adding the segment data will automatically fill in the Total cMs etc values.
6. Add segments to the right hand side, entering the chromosome, start and end points, and the reported cM length. Click the + sign at the end of the row to add the segment to the database. Repeat for each desired segment.
Note: Start and End points need to be entered in Megabases. This means if the testing company reports start and end points in very long strings of digits, you will need to locate the right place to put the decimal point for entry.
Your testing company may display start and end location in a table such as that shown to the left (example from MyHeritage)
The start location of 18528848 should be interpreted as being the same as 18,522,848 - and as such, you will want to enter the start point as 18.5
The location of 7771207 is 7,771,207 and should be entered as 7.7
The location of 61495 is 61,495 and should be entered as either 0.0, or possibly rounded up to 0.1
Whether you round numbers up or down is a personal preference. You will not need the RSID or SNP columns.
7. Add as many valid segments between the Match (1) and the Profile (2).
If you have other profiles that also have this match, click Back (3) and repeat from step 4 if you need to add a second profile, or from step 5 if you have already added other profiles.
Your Total cMs, # Segments, and Largest Segment columns should now be filled.
If you do not have access to the segment data for a match, you can enter this information yourself.
Click on the 0.0 underneath Total cMs and enter the total as reported by the testing company, as well as the number # of Segments. Enter the size of the largest segment as well if known. You edit these fields later if/when you find more information.
Enter a family group if you wish. Click the + sign at the end to ensure the data is saved.
When you have finished adding information for the new relative, click the Close button to return to the main GDAT program.
To Add a Relative to Another Profile via the Add Relative button
Clicking the "Add Relative" button present on any of the 5 Relative pages, will result in the Add/Update Relative ICWs box to be loaded with the currently loaded match and their current ICW information.
This can be desired if you are adding a new profile person as a match to the existing match - use the "Attach Relative to Profile" to do this.
Note that some of the displayed relatives are in bold and have the + symbol at the end of the row - these are your profiles. Matches who are not bolded are not bolded and do not have the plus symbol.
It can be very normal to have 0 values displayed for non-profile relatives depending on how each company has reported this information both now and in the past.
If you wish to add a completely New relative, click on "New" in the top right, and proceed as per earlier instructions.
Important Points
The Match Keys being asked for here, are the ones belonging to your match and the ICW's.
Match Key's are case sensitive. Ensure you know which case your need your Key letters to be in. Not all sites are the same.
FTDNA does not provide a unique Match ID key, and as such, you can choose to create your own match key system, or use the match name. Using the Match Name as the key can potentially create duplicates that will need to be merged.
On 23andMe, your match's key can be seen in the address bar when viewing their match to you. It is in the same format as your own 23andMe ID.
At MyHeritage, your match's key can also be seen in the address bar. It is the second half of the long alphanumeric string, starting with the second D-
Gedmatch match keys are the kit number you have compared with.
Where and how to find the ICW information varies according to which site you are using. This will not be covered in the guide at this time.
Take care when entering data.