
This view is used to import or update the direct line family tree for a specific match, presuming you have access to one, via an appropriately formatted file, or via manual entry.

From Becky: My recommendation has always been to use Roots Magic or Legacy  to create gedcoms, or to use the ahnentafel loads or input manually.  The gedcom logic is complicated and I can't support all the different formats. 

A populated Ahnentafel, will display some data in bold type when it is identical to data existing within the database.

This is to assist with identifying potential connection points. Keep in mind that if these are not identical between the match and the profile, they will not display in bold.

Right Click Menu

When no Ahnentafel has been previously loaded, or a blank area of the screen is clicked, the right click (Control-Click on Mac) menu gives us three menu areas

The Import sub-menu contains:

See further down this page for details on Ahnentafel loading.

The Add Relative sub-menu area contains just the one option of Add Relative

This starts a new Ahnentafel for manual entry of data and fills person 1 with the relative.

The Update menu area contains: Lock / Unlock Ahnentafel.

This locks or unlocks the Ahnentafel. When locked, it prevents the Ahnentafel from being overwritten by subsequent imports.

When the Ahnentafel tab has been populated, the right click (Control-Click on Mac) menu gives us a number of options.

Pedigree Chart: Displays the pedigree chart for the person right clicked on. Clicking on an ancestor's position allows for entry in the Update Ancestor Details which is then transferred to the Ahnentafel.

The Display sub-menu contains:

Direct Line has been bolded

Showing Ancestors of only selected person

The Mark sub-menu gives four options that should be self explanatory in nature.

Marking a name or descendant line in bold may be used for any reason. Some like to use it to identify the MRCA couple and the path between them and the match. This is personal preference. 

The Import sub-menu contains:

While the Gedcom loads all ancestors of the Relative, the other two options allow for an Ahnentafel to be loaded for the selected person - this does not have to be the starting person.

Use with caution: This will replace any ancestors previously loaded for the selected person, so it is best to do it for the most relevant person in the linking line - if their Ahnentafel only goes to their great grandmother and you know the next 4 generations to the MRCA, then import an Ahnentafel for the great grandmother.

See further down this page for details on Ahnentafel loading.

The Add Relatives sub-menu contains:

The Update sub-menu contains:

The Delete sub-menu contains:

Using Pedigree Thief to Import

Pedigree Thief is a Google Chrome Browser extension that converts a pedigree from some sites to an Ahnentafel. Directions are included with the extension.

It is possible to import an Ahnentafel through the Google Chrome browser extension “Pedigree Thief”. Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for “Pedigree Thief”. Install this extension.

When installed, set-up your preferences by right clicking the Pedigree Thief icon and selecting 'options'. On the screen that opens set the default for the level of the number of generations to be read, if surnames are to be capitalized or not, and if dates are to be shown in full or by year only.

Note: If using this on Gedmatch, log in via the "Classic" entry. This will not work via the "new" log in.

Using One2Tree to import (Windows Only)

One2Tree is a Google Chrome Browser extension for Windows that converts a pedigree from some sites to an Ahnentafel, as well as other formats.

Note: This option is not available to Mac users.

Importing a Manually created Ahnentafel

It is possible to import a manually created bulk Ahnentafel listing.

This can be done in a number of ways, and how you choose to create one is up to you, as long as the resulting format to be pasted into the import box is the format needed.

The needed formatting for a pasted Ahnentafel is

#. Name born: Date Birth Place died: Date Death Place

and all pasted Ahnentafels must start with person 1 and each ancestor (where known) should be placed in numerical order from there in accordance with the Ahnentafel numbering system.

Acceptably formatted examples include the following:

1. Jane Smith born: 1950 Sydney New South Wales Australia died:

2. John Smith born: 1920 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia died: 2000

3. Judy Jones born: 1930 Brisbane died: 2010 Sydney

4. Jack Smith born: Australia died: 1970 Victoria, Australia

6. Joe Jones born: died: 1940 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

7. Janet Johns born: Melbourne died: Melbourne, 1960

It is possible to skip numbers in the creation of an Ahnentafel list, as long as each person is in the correctly numbered position in the list, the resulting display will be correct.

Using the Import > Pedigree Thief option, you can type this information directly into the Paste window, or you can create this elsewhere and copy and paste it in.

Importing an Ahnentafel from a Gedmatch Tree

Creating a GMPro Ahnentafel from a tree in Gedmatch (or a link to WikiTree) is done through an application called “Pedigree To Gedcom.exe”. This Windows application is located in the downloads section at the very bottom of the “Help” page of Pedigree Thief Chrome extension as well as a pdf help file for the utility. (Right click the Pedigree Thief icon and select “Help”.)  Install this application.