Relative List
The Relative List view will nearly always be blank when you enter it.
Select either a DNA Source or a Segment Group to display and wait for it to populate with data.
You may choose to select a Display Side, a Relative Status, and/or set Minimum and Maximum Cms for display either before or after populating the display. If done beforehand, this may help speed up the display process.
Note: "Groups" are assigned to and based on DNA segments, and also appear in Ahnentafel and Ancestor listings.
"Family Groups" are created by you and can be used to group relatives together for any reason of your choosing.
The two can use the same names, or not, and operate independently of each other.
Top Section
Either before or after the view has been populated by using the “Select Source” drop down menu, the resulting list can be filtered through the use of the "Display Side", "Relative Status" and Minimum and Maximum Sliders.
These can be used independently of each other, or at the same time. More information about the options under “Select Status” can be found in Status section of Relative Notes.
The "Archived" source is present as a courtesy to those who have converted GMP data from sources that are not supported by GDAT.
Note the "Name Me" source present in the list shown - this is a custom created source, and these show here too.
The “Select Group” drop down menu operates independently of the Source, due to group names being able to be applied to multiple people across multiple sources, as well as across multiple profiles if applicable.
It is possible to filter the resulting list by use of either the "Display Side" or the "Relative Status", but not the Min/Max sliders.
Group names visible in this list are populated based on the group names you have applied to matches in your database. Only relatives with Segment Data are shown, meaning if a group name is associated only with non-segment data relatives, those group names will not appear in this list.
The underlining of Relative Names displayed, indicates an Ahnentafel is present in that relative’s record.
At the top centre of the Relative list, are three additional filters.
Display Side tick boxes should be self explanatory and reload the list display near-instantly when changed.
Relative Status drop down will allow you to filter the list to show Just those from the chosen source with that status.
Minimum cMs and Maximum cMs sliders - Either use the slider bars or type directly into the number box to filter the list to a smaller, more manageable range. Click "Reload" to enact the display change.
Note: If using the sliders, either value can be set first, if typing the number directly, be aware that your lowest number available to enter will equal your current minimum value. Set your minimum to 0 to set your maximum to any value, then set the minimum to the desired value.
Some of the columns of data on the Relative List view can be edited by the user. The displayed data can be sorted on any column by clicking on the column header. This can be quite helpful when viewing a large amount of data.
Relative : The relative’s name as recorded from an import and displayed within the Notes area. This is not editable in this location.
Side : Editable by user. Possible designations include P, M, B, I, ?. This designation transfers to the Side designation on the Notes view, and is set by that point as well. It can also be set by the right click menu option of "Set the Side Values".
Family Group : an identifier assigned by the user but can also be assigned by the program under certain circumstances. See Family Group vs Group for more detailed information.
Relationship : assigned at import based on amount shared, but is editable by User.
cMs : a Calculated total based on the total valid segments imported. Editable by user - imports may overwrite.
Segs : the total number of valid segments imported. Editable by user - imports may overwrite.
Largest : the largest segment shared between the profile and the relative, determined by imported segments. Editable by user - imports may overwrite.
Status : the current “Research Status” that has been set for the relative from within the Notes or DNA Comparison views. Not editable in this location.
Date : the date associated with the current status.
MRCA Note / User Defined Note : Right click to toggle between the two views. Both fields are editable by the user, and link to the fields of the same names on Relative Notes (F1) and both are also editable on the F1 view.
Colour Coding
Names have been color coded according to the source of the data. These colours can be changed, see Source Settings for more information.
The background colours also have meaning.
Grey & White : the default colours used to assist in aligning the name with the data.
Dusty Orange : the currently selected match.
Yellow : New matches. The length of time is determined in Options > App Settings.
Dark Pink : the match currently loaded into the Relative Detail tabs (F1-F4).
Right Click Menu
Right clicking (Control-Click on Mac) in the results page brings up a menu listing with three fixed options and six sub-menus. The fixed options are:
Open the Relative’s page : takes you to the match’s Relative information areas. Opens to the last area open: Notes, Ahnentafel, Family Comparison, DNA Comparison, or Merge. Performs the same action as double clicking on the relative.
Edit Relative's ICW: Opens up the "Add/Update Relative's ICWs" box
Capitalize Relative Name : capitalizes the first letter of the selected relative’s name.
Export Displayed Data to .CSV File : creates a .csv file of the displayed data for you to then save.
Note: If you have done a Search on the F8 Relative's List page, and the "Current Profile Only" box was not ticked for that search, then your right click menu on the resulting display, will be the single menu item of "Open the Relative's Page". This also applies even if you only have one profile in your database.
Display sub-menu
Show Relatives ICW : shows all relatives in common with the selected relative. The Escape key restores the full list.
Show Recent Relative Adds : will show those relatives that have been imported within the number of days set Preferences.
Show Relatives with Same Email : shows relatives with the same email as the selected relative
Show Relatives with Ahnentafel : filters the designated match list down to just those people who have had their Ahnentafel tab in Relative Detail populated. These people will also have their names underlined for easy reference.
Show Relatives without an Ahnentafel : filters the designated match list down to just those people who do Not have their Ahnentafel tab in Relative Detail populated. These people do not have their names underlined.
Show Relatives with Tree URLs : shows the relatives that have URLs to family trees.
Show Relatives without Tree URLs : shows the relatives that have no URLs to family trees.
Show Relatives Unique to this Profile : show relatives who only match the current profile.
Show Relatives on Multiple Profiles : shows relatives who match multiple profiles. Can prove helpful when you have distant cousin or seemingly unrelated profiles loaded.
Show Relatives Without ICW : shows relatives for whom no ICW information has been loaded. This may indicate further imports are needed, or may indicate the match is IBS. It is up to the user to analyse and decide the situation.
Show Relatives having Identical Names : Useful for finding potential duplicates across multiple sources.
Show MRCA Relatives with Unassigned DNA Segments : Looks for any relative with the status of MRCA who also has segments that have not been assigned an MRCA.
Toggle MRCA/User Defined : Toggles the last column view between the MRCA Note and the User Defined Note fields from F1.
Analysis Tools sub-menu
Show Relative’s Top Relationships : looks at loaded triangulation data and calculates which relatives of the profile are the closer relationships for the match and shows the results in a pop up display (shown adjacent)
The listing displays
(estimated relationship) - Match’s name - Family Group (if assigned)
Be Patient when running this tool, it may have a lot of data to work through and can potentially take a significant amount of time.
If there is no triangulation data, insufficient data, or the relationship is further than approx 3rd cousin, the results pop up will contain no listing.
Estimated relationships shown will be general groupings for the amount of DNA shared, and not necessarily the exact relationship.Show Mutually ICW for Selected : Filters the available relatives down to show only those In Common With each subsequently chosen match. Can be used multiple times in a row, filtering each view down further as data results permit.
Show Common Ahnentafel Groups : Opens the Group Name comparison view. (*)
Show Common Ahnentafel Surnames : Opens the Surnames comparison view. (*)
Show Profile Ahnentafel Groups : Opens the Group Name comparison view, but concentrating on just the profile person's group names. (*)
(*) See Compare Ahnentafel Details for more information on these three comparison features.
Mark Side/Group sub-menu
Set the Side Values : sets the side values for displayed relatives that had been set on the Relative Detail tab.
Use with caution. This takes the side set for a relative from elsewhere in the program and imports it to this display. It will overwrite any side allocation made from within the display.Mark Family Group for Selected Relatives : assigns the Family Group and side to multiple selected relatives.
It is suggested to use one of the right click options to filter results and set the side and group name desired for at least one relative. Use shift-click or control-click to select multiple matches. Right click on the match who has had information set and select the menu option.Mark Family Group from DNA Segments : Assigns the Family Group name for the selected person to the same as the Group name assigned to the relative's DNA segments. If no change occurs, check the DNA Comparison view for the relative as segments may not be marked.
Mark DNA Segments with Side/Group : pushes entered group and side data from this view to the DNA Comparison view, but does not assign an MRCA.
Merge Relatives sub-menu
Merge Selected Relatives : enables multiple relatives to be selected from this screen for merging within the F5 Merge view.
Merge Relatives of Identical Names : Selects the person the right click was activated on, and takes them and any identical name matches to the F5 Merge view.
Merge Relatives of Identical Emails : Selects the person the right click was activated on, and takes them and any identical email matches to the F5 Merge view.
Modify Relative Data sub-menu
Copy MRCA Note to All Profiles : Takes the current profile's MRCA Note for the match and assigns it to all profiles who have this match.
Compute Shared cMs : adds the cMs values for all segments associated with the displayed relatives. This is a good one to use if you feel the displayed values do not accurately reflect the actual imported value due to smaller segments being skipped at the time of import. Does not include any X chromosome value/s in calculation, and X only matches will display as 0 cMs.
Set Relatives List to Ahnentafel Values : gives us the adjacent displayed message.
Selecting "Yes" will update ALL of the Relative lists, not just the person we Right Clicked on. Use Caution and Backup Prior to Use.Remove Relative to Profile Association : removes the relative to profile association but does not delete the relative. The association is re-established at next import of that source for that profile if this is done in error.
Remove Ahnentafel for Displayed Relatives : deletes any Ahnentafel associated with relatives that are displayed. Use with caution.
Remove DNA Segment Data for Selected Source : Does what it says. May be useful if you feel that your match list is correct but the segment data is flawed. Selected Source is the currently displayed source. Use with caution. Back up first.
Delete Relatives sub-menu
Delete Selected Relatives : will delete those relatives that have been selected. Ctrl click to select multiple relatives. Use with caution.
Remove Relatives < Minimum cMs : deletes all relatives that have a cMs less than the minimum import value that has been set in Preferences.
Delete Relatives without Chromosome Data : removes relatives from the database that have a relative record but no associated chromosome segment data. Ignores relatives from a source that has no segment data.