Search and Advanced Search Tools
The yellow magnifying glass symbol in the top right corner of every screen of GDAT is the basic search function. The basic search can also be accessed by using Ctrl+F.
The Advanced Search is accessed by right clicking on the magnifying glass.
Both of these areas are also able to be accessed via the Edit Menu.
A basic search allows for just one field to be searched, returning a potentially wide range of results.
The advanced search allows for multiple fields to be searched and for either all criteria to be met, or any of the criteria to be met. This can potentially reduce the range of results found.
In both search areas, you can search for results specific to the Current Profile only (box ticked), or search for results across the entire database (box unticked), as well as confine the results to relatives who have segment data (box ticked), or to include non-segment data relatives as well (unticked). These options are ticked to start with, but once the user changes them, they will remain the way the user last set them.
Each item in both search options should be self-explanatory. After the Search button is pressed, the results will appear. Searches may take some time to process, depending on how specific you are, how much data you have to search, and which options have been selected. Be Patient.