Control Settings
The Control Settings allow the user to adjust what is displayed, import segments of different lengths, what to load or not load, as well as other options.
Minimum cMs to display in Relative's List : limits the Relative List (F8) display to matches over the value set. Can improve the loading speed of the display. The value set is personal preference.
Default value is 0.Minimum cMs to display in DNA Comparison : limits the ICW / Triangulation list on the Relatives DNA Comparison (F4) display to those relatives above the value set. Can improve the loading speed of the display. The value set is personal preference. Default value is 0.
Minimum segment overlap to be considered ICW : works in conjunction with loaded ICW files and can act as an extra filter in displaying prospective ICW relatives. Value set is personal preference. Default value is 5. Note that this is Segment Base Pair positions, not cMs.
Days to highlight new matches : If set to values above 1, a yellow highlight is displayed on matches that have a load date equal to the current date minus that value. A match loaded 2 days would display with a yellow highlight if this value is set to 2, but a match loaded 3 days ago would not have the highlight. Value set is personal preference. Default value is 0.
Import Criteria
Skip cMs under : the smallest cM value that will be imported. Default is 7.
Skip SNPs under : the smallest SNP value that will be imported. Default is 200.
Skip Base Pair Length below : the smallest Base Pair length that will be imported. This is used within Segment Mapping. Default is 2.
Skip X chromosome cMs under : the smallest X chromosome cM value that will be imported. Default is 10.
Show Import Instructions : if True, download and import instructions are shown before the file selection or paste window is shown at the time of starting an import process. If False, no instructions are given at this time, although the download instructions are shown on the Import Summary view. Default is True.
Load Only ICWs Shared with a Profile Segment : if False, all valid ICW's within the import process will be attached to the relative for that profile. If true, only those ICWs relevant to the segment will be attached and retained. Default is False.
Allowed characters in Relative Name : Default characters are - ( ) . _ * < > ' and almost any character can be added to this list, except for " a double quotation mark. A space must be between each character for each to be recognised individually.
Minutes between Import Pauses (0 for no pause) : The number of minutes the program will run for before it will ask if you wish to stop the import. A zero value means it will not ask and will run until it is finished. Default is 0 (zero).
Data Load
Add New Relatives : If True, new relatives will be added to the database. If False, imports will only update existing relative data. Default is True. Entire profiles can be set to load data for Existing Relatives Only by the use of the tick box for that Profile.
Load data for Primary Keys only : If set as True, when processing imports, the secondary keys will be ignored so any extra DNA segments or relative data will not be processed. This will result in the Import Summary message of “Skipped Other Relative”. Default is True.
Ideally, each profile and each relative will have just one key per data source, this is the Primary key. Some may have a second key for the same source, typically from merged relatives, but also from some imports. Primary match keys will be bolded in the Sources section of the Relative About view.
Note: It is entirely optional , but it will keep erroneous data from being added to associated relative data.Add possible false positives : If True, when importing DNA segments that do not overlap false positive regions by at least 5 base pair length will be added. Will be ignored if False Positive Regions have not been set for the profile. Default is False.
Replace existing values with import values : If True, updates existing relatives with changed information. Default is False.
Note: Relative Name, Sex, Haplogroups, Ethnicity, Surname List, Family Locations, Contact Name, Phone, User Defined are only ones over written if True is set.Assume single Ahnentafel name is Surname : If True, a single name in a relative’s Ahnentafel will be assumed to be a surname, and treated accordingly. This can be helpful for group name clarity. Default is True.
Use Keyboard Arrow Keys for Navigation : Default is False. When set to True, allows the user to navigate by keyboard arrows in addition to by the gold and green on screen arrows.
Copy MRCA Note to All Profiles : Default is False. When set to True, the MRCA note is applied to all relevant profiles when it is autofilled by GDAT.
Add Last Status to Relative Note : Default setting is True and adds the last status and its change date to the Research Notes when a new status is set. Set to False to not have this information added.
Form Letter Signature : a place to enter your preferred signature text for inclusion in an email or other message. Default is blank.
Form Letter Email : a place to enter your preferred email address for inclusion in an email or other message. Default is blank.
Form Letter Text : An area to enter some basic introductory text for inclusion in an email or other message. Default is "I am researching my family history through DNA analysis. If you would like to compare family trees to see if we can identify a common ancestor, please let me know."
If you would prefer something else in this area as a standard part of your email or message, it is suggested that you compose the text in a text editor in a single line (ie. no line breaks), and copy and paste it into this field. More detailed formatting and further information can be added at the time you send the email from the Relative Notes view.Hide Main Window when showing messages : If True, main GDAT window "disappears" when a secondary pop-up opens. If False, the main GDAT window and the secondary message pop-up are both visible at the same time. Default is True.
If set to False, it is possible for a secondary pop-up window to appear behind the main GDAT window. If this occurs, use Alt+Tab to locate the pop-up window and interact with it accordingly.Use in-memory journaling to improve performance : Back up before using.
If true, in-memory journaling is used. Default is False.
When set to false, every time the database updates, it writes to a journal file, which is only as fast as disk access speed.
In-memory journaling uses the computer's memory to speed up the import process.
It is user preference as to which option to use.Privatise name for example sharing : When setting to True, user will be asked
"Use initials plus Surname for Privacy? If no, a random name will be generated."
The random names will be randomized letter combinations that will look like a toddler did a keyboard smash. Letter combination will refresh and recombine with each screen change.
Caution: there is no filter possible to prevent inappropriate words.
If GDAT has this value set as True when the program closes, when the program is reopened, names will be reset to full names. Reset privacy options if desired.Enable window resizing : If True, allows the GDAT window to resize to the full screen of your monitor. Default Window size is approx 1282px wide by 772px high. Your monitor display may need adjusting if you can not see everything of the GDAT window at once. After changing the value either way, GDAT will be shut down and will have to be restarted. This is normal.