Release Notes
Release 2025r02
Note that you may need to deactivate your virus protection to install these files
Fixed issue with ICWs not being displayed correctly on F4. Note that the cMs values listed on F4 are those in common with the Profile selected. To see the cMs between relatives, click on the Add/Edit icon on the Relative page.
Release 2025r01
Note that you may need to deactivate your virus protection to install these files
Fixed issue on F1 where hitting + on Research notes erased data
Fixed issue where adding icw without selection of a relative caused an abend
On F8, removed Toggle MRCA/User Defined option when displaying Searches as this uses different functions
Added F3 back to menu
On F6, added ability to link Research and Parental Confirmation documents to all profiles with the same group name
On F1, added the right click option to copy the MRCA path to research notes
On F5, added an option to mark a relative name as having been reviewed as a duplicate and on F8, show duplicate names has the option to exclude those so marked.
Added Pedigree Thief data import templates
Added DNAGedcom Standard data import templates in prep for when those become available
Added data import templates to support new DNAGedcom Extract tool (see below).
DNAGedcom Extract Beta
This beta tool is being made available to extract data from the DNAGedcom.db in a format compatible with GDAT. It has been tested with DNAGedcom.db files back as far as 2020 and is working correctly on my files. There are data import templates in F11 that will support the output. Prior to use, be sure to backup the DNAGedcom.db file and your GDAT database. Post any issues in the Facebook users group.
Release 2024r03
In group analysis, bolded group names shared with profile's ahnentafel
Family Comparison now available only thru top menu as it is a legacy item rarely used
On F8 the maximum slider allows values up to 7200
GedMatch Tier 1, 1 to Many import templated updated
Can now edit the total cMs, # segments and largest segment from the F8 page. Data imports may change these values.
On F4, right click option Mark Family Group Values will update the side even if the group value is blank
Fixed issue with Advanced Search not recognizing an all profiles search selection
Given the unavailability of segment downloads, this will be the last release unless segment data again becomes available.
Release 2024r02
Fixed Mac issue on not being able to add segments
Add privatize to Add Relative function
Release 2024r01
Updated the Add Relative Functionality
To Add a Relative
Select profile then click Menu ‘Relative-Add Relative‘
Type in relative name, key value, select source then click Save button
Use the drop-down menu at the bottom to attach relative to any other profiles
For Each Profile
With segment data, right click and add segments between profiles and relative. Without segment data, add total cMs, # segments and largest segment, if desired, by clicking on each cell and entering a value then click the ‘+’ to update database.
For Non-profile Relatives
To add non-profile relatives as ICWs, enter their key and ICW’s name in the bottom boxes and click Add ICW button. With segment data between the two relatives, right click and add segments. Otherwise, enter the total cMs, # segment and largest segment if the information is available.
Other Features
Tabs can be used to move between cells
Can delete or modify segment values
Can delete ICWs
Use the New button to add another relative to the current profile
Double click on an ICW relative to switch to its view
Selecting a relative will show to what profiles it is attached
Family groups for the current profile can be modified by clicking on their cell and changing the contents
Release 2023r07
Fixed issue with GedMatch Tier 1 not updating email address on existing relatives
Added right click option to F10 Options page on False Positive Table to add False Positive Segments to Chromosome Browser (F7) and Map (F9)
Added background highlight to F6 on column 1 to indicate the presence of a Research document
Added right click signature option to Document Ancestor Research page
Fixed right click Timeline error
Add MRCA Relative List to Parental Confirmation page. Right click top box.
Made some minor changes to the gedcom file import process including checking for version 5.5.1. Most issues loading gedcoms are due to having a child assigned to multiple parents. There is no way for GDAT to determine the correct parents.
Add text boxes for range on F8 Relative list
Release 2023r06
Fix issue with F8 slider updating wrong F10 value
Fixed column issue with non Tier 1 template column assignments
Release 2023r05
Upgraded the filter on F8 (Relative List)
Modified GedMatch import templates. Note the change in 1 to Many templates. Use the free tools - 1 to Many Original version and Tier 1 - 1to Many Classic version. Neither imports email addresses. However, the Tier 1 Segment Search will now add email addresses unless they change that as well. It is recommended that Tier 1 users skip the 1-to-Many import and just use the Tier 1 Segment Search and Triangulation imports.
Release 2023r04
Fix issue with changing colors on the Mac
Fixed issue with abend on F9 right click not on selection
Added ability to privatize to F9 relative names
Release 2023r03
Reworked Segment Map (F9) to improve performance
Added MRCA filter to Chromosome Browser (F7)
Added ability to change map colors to Chromosome Browser (F7)
Release 2023r02
Added right click option to Ahnentafel to copy descendants to clipboard
Fixed issue with import ahnentafel window not resizing correctly
Fixed issue where changing a blank group on the F6 page, changed all blank groups to the new name
On F8, can now edit the User Defined field
Added relative count to Surnames Analysis Tool
Added right click option to 'Compare X to Current Profile' for GedMatch keys (lower right corner of F4)
Made the F4 function to show relationship persistent
Added right click option to Surname Analysis page to display ancestors of selected relatives
Fixed issue where largest segment was being replaced when import value was zero
Fixed issue where not all relative records were being deleted in F10
Tested import templates. Small revision to Tier 1 One to Many showing which function to use.
Release 2023r01
Profile to Relative relationship can now be edited from the F1 screen
Added right click option to go to GedMatch page to compare relative key to profile
Fixed issue on F4 where Show all ICW was ignoring side buttons
Added side to group compare page
Added 529Renew to Quick Start template
Tweaked the MRCA analysis pages to display based on side associated with selected item
Added import template for MyHeritage Ahnentafels
Added bolding of surnames icw current relative on Surname Analysis page
Added right click option on Relative List to toggle between MRCA notes and User Defined relative field
Data import templates will now automatically have the option to record import stats set to true
Segment data from Triangulation imports will not be merged with existing data but will be added if the segment is not found. This is to avoid merging data that may have been estimated. A new import error message to reflect this change is 'Segment Skipped'.
On Family Comparison (F3), the default list for surnames in common is now the family group assigned and if none then the side assigned. Right click the box to select other options.
Release 2022r09
Revamped the Add Relative page to link existing relative to current profile and added largest segment cMs. This page can be used to edit this information for existing relatives.
Fixed issue with F8 where relative list not sticky when moving page to page
Fixed issue with place names not allowing '-' character
Added templates for 529Renew
Tested all supported data import templates. If you have an issue, reactivate the template.
Release 2022r08
Addressed GEDMatch formatting changes plus some minor issues reported by users. Be sure to deactivate and reactivate template to get latest changes.
Release 2022r07
Tweaks to chromosome analysis page plus fix for the recent crashes.
Release 2022r06
Use up/down arrows to move between pages
Use right/left arrows to move between relatives on relative pages
Chromosome Analysis
Sort is by Side, Start Point, Generation, End Point
Made the partition fields editable
Added right click option to high light in yellow segments that have been confirmed
DNA Comparison (F4)
Added side display options
Import Data Templates
Add option to not record import stats for profile (default is to record)
After merge, reverted back to selecting merged relative name
Added option on basic search to include only relatives with segment data
Made the option profile only and relatives with segment data persistent
Relative List (F8)
Changed Relative List drop down to say 'Select Segment Group'
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue of notes disappearing when automatically adding status change
Release 2022r05
Database Routines
The focus of this release was to modify the database routines (F10) to display progress at the bottom of the page for most functions. Because these routines can run a very long time, the ability to abort by holding the ESC key down was also added. Two new routines were added:
Remove all ICW data
Delete Relatives without Chromosome data
Profile Page
There may be cases where segment and ICW information were not linked to a profile. This may be due to merges and I tweaked the merge process to hopefully correct. To see if any of your profiles are affected, go to the profile page (ctrl-p) and use the right click option 'Link Segments to Profile' for each profile.
Source Code
I have also posted the source code for this release.
This source code is being provided as is for those who wish to modify it for their personal use, not for profit or commercial use.
This version was developed on XOJO 2020r1.2. The only difference between this code and the Official 2022r05 GDAT code is that this code works on an unencrypted database. Users must first export an unencrypted database from the official version if they wish to use an existing GDAT database. The Official version of GDAT will not support unencrypted databases in order to ensure database integrity.
I will continue to provide support and enhancements to the Official version of GDAT and anyone may submit code changes to me to consider for inclusion in subsequent releases of the Official version.
Becky Mason Walker
14 May 2022
Release 2022r04
This release includes quite a few items that I think will be useful.
Manage Surnames - This page has been revamped so it should be easier to enter and delete names that xojo may not process correctly.
Relative Ahnentafel (F2) - This page will bold common profile surnames, regions and groups. There are two new right click functions. One to update location names to a standard location format, if possible and one to remove entries listed as Private but not connected to any ancestors. There is also a couple of new bolding functions.
Relative Family Comparison (F3) - This page will now display regions in common with the current profile. More about regions below.
Region Cluster View - Listed under MRCA menu. For some time I have wanted to do something with location data as it is often an important clue in identifying MRCAs. Terminology differs between countries so it was decided that a regions will be made up of 3 parts. In the US this would be county, state, country but can be any 3 divisions regardless of what they are called locally. Use the right click option on this view to setup Regions of Interest from the Profile's ahnentafel. This page will display all of the relatives having the selected region in their ahnentafel.
Cleanup Ahnentafel Location Names (F10) - This is a database routine to update all ahnentafel location names to a standard format, if possible. Under control settings set 'Reformat Location Names' to true. When set to True, GDAT will automatically reformat location values to the standard format, if possible. To test if this works for your locality, use the right click option on the F2 page to do just one as a test. Always Backup Up so you can restore your database if the results are not to your satisfaction.
Remove ICW's not Associated with a Segment (F10) - This is an optional database routine to remove any of a Relative's ICW data where the ICW is with a Relative that does not share the same segment with the Profile person. Confused? It is difficult to explain but let me try. On the DNA comparison page (F4) and in the right hand panel, you can select Show ICW Relatives on the Same Segment. Personally, these are the only ones I care to track as they are more indicative of a MRCA but if you select Show All ICW Relatives, the list can be quite long. I removed almost 2 million of these from my database to help improve performance. To keep the database clean, there is also a database option 'Load Only ICWs Shared with a Profile Segment'. Be aware that setting this to True will cause ICW imports to run longer but since I only import new data every 3-4 months, it is worth it. Again, backup your database if you decide to try this.
Bug Fixes - Truthfully, I do not track these but just fix them as they come up. If you reported one, you know to check to see if the issue has been resolved. Let me know if it needs further attention.