Family Comparison
The Family Comparison view has six sections to be used. The content is based on the Relative that has been selected, and the Ahnentafel (if present) that has then been loaded into this view.
If the sections are blank, check if the Ahnentafel tab has been populated. If it has not, import data if it can be obtained (See Ahnentafel for import details), or enter data manually where possible. If the Ahnentafel view has already been populated, use the “Set Relative Lists to Ahnentafel Values” option.
Surnames: surnames as imported from a source or filled from an Ahnentafel. Can be manually entered and adjusted.
Possible Connections: populated based selecting a Surname from the Surnames in Common section. The numbers to the left of the names are the generational numbers based on the loaded GEDCOM.
Ancestor Details: populated with the profile person’s ancestral information of the person that was selected from the Possible Connections section.
Regions in Common: geographic locations in common with the profile. If none appear here, check that the Region Clusters have been set for this profile.
Relative’s Ancestor List: populated from the match’s loaded Ahnentafel, showing the details from that tab
Surnames in Common: looks at the Surnames and compares those names to the current Profile’s surnames.
Requires data to have been loaded via GEDCOM or entered manually into the Profile'Ancestors tab. Any match(s) found, are displayed.
A right click menu for this box is available, and allows for different subsets to be displayed."Show All Surnames in Common" is the default view when neither a side or a family group have been assigned on F1 Relative Notes.
"Show Maternal Names in Common" and "Show Paternal Surnames in Common" can be used to filter surnames to a particular side, the heading will then read either "Maternal ICW" or "Paternal ICW", and will display by default when only a Side has been assigned on F1.
"Show Surnames ICW Family Group" will display as "ICW (Family Group)", and be present by default when a Family Group has been assigned on F1.
"Copy Common Surnames to Clipboard" does as it says.
Populated View with No surnames or Regions in common.
Fully Populated View showing the Surnames and Regions in Common between the current profile and the selected relative.
Select a Surname from the "Surnames in Common/ ICW (Group Name)" area to reveal the Profile's "Possible Connections" and automatically scroll the the Relative's Ancestors list to the same surname. Selecting one of the Profile's ancestors brings up that ancestor's family information to enable further comparisons.
Note: Due to the formatting of data when populating a Profile's Ancestor list via Pedigree Thief or One2Tree, Ancestor Details may not be populated if either of these methods were used. Use the Gedcom load to populate this field.