Family Comparison

The Family Comparison view has six sections to be used. The content is based on the Relative that has been selected, and the Ahnentafel (if present) that has then been loaded into this view.

If the sections are blank, check if the Ahnentafel tab has been populated. If it has not, import data if it can be obtained (See Ahnentafel for import details), or enter data manually where possible. If the Ahnentafel view has already been populated, use the “Set Relative Lists to Ahnentafel Values” option.

Populated View with No surnames or Regions in common.

Fully Populated View showing the Surnames and Regions in Common between the current profile and the selected relative.

Select a Surname from the "Surnames in Common/ ICW (Group Name)" area to reveal the Profile's "Possible Connections" and automatically scroll the the Relative's Ancestors list to the same surname. Selecting one of the Profile's ancestors brings up that ancestor's family information to enable further comparisons.

Note: Due to the formatting of data when populating a Profile's Ancestor list via Pedigree Thief or One2Tree, Ancestor Details may not be populated if either of these methods were used. Use the Gedcom load to populate this field.